Help with CI C86 preprocessor wanted

walton%DEImos.Caltech.Edu at cit-hamlet.ARPA walton%DEImos.Caltech.Edu at cit-hamlet.ARPA
Wed Mar 26 02:20:22 AEST 1986

I have a fairly large program (ARC version 5.12 in fact) which I would
like to port to my Amiga.  Unfortunately, it is written for the Computer
Innovations CI86 compiler and makes heavy use of a non-standard preprocessor
(similar to the Unix m4(1)).  Can anyone out there who owns the CI compiler
either tell me a source for a PD program to handle these definitions, or
email me a description of them so I can write one myself?  I'd like to
automate the translation in order to keep Amiga ARC up-to-date.

Steve Walton			 ARPA:	walton%deimos at
Caltech Solar Astronomy          BITNET:swalton at caltech.bitnet
Physics DECNET: DEIMOS::WALTON	 UUCP: your guess is as good as mine...

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