Flavors of Unix Backup

Tue May 6 04:08:14 AEST 1986

    I'm a new guy on the block as far as Sys V (actually Unix v6 was my last
major unix playground)  And I am working on a Sys V system now.  Has anyone
make a dump/restor equiv' system for backup or is cpio good enough for
incremental type backups OR (final or) do i need to start writting some
sh script to check mod times and just use cpio???  Any help would be nice!

                        Dan Smith (aka MadMan)
                        BITNET:     SYSBDES at TCSVM
                        ARPA:       SYSBDES%TCSVM.BITNET at WISCVM.WISC.EDU
                        UUCP:       You Tell Me??
                        Ma Bell:    (504) 865-5631
                        Real Paper: Tulane University
                                    Tulane Computer Services
                                    Attn: Dan Smith, Systems Group
                                    6823 St. Charles Ave.
                                    New Orleans,  LA 70118-5698

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