C Interpreters

Larry Cipriani lvc at danews.UUCP
Sun May 18 03:08:40 AEST 1986

>                             Are there insuperable difficulties with doing 
>this with a normally compiled language like C?  (I'm sure it could be done
>with FORTRAN, since FORTRAN interpreters are well-known... but why have we
>seen no C interpreters?)

>Peter S. Shenkin	 Columbia Univ. Biology Dept., NY, NY  10027
>{philabs,rna}!cubsvax!peters		cubsvax!peters at columbia.ARPA

You can find advertisements for an incredible variety of C utilities
in the magazine 'Computer Language'.  There was an ad recently for a
C interpreter.  I recommened the magazine highly.  The columns and articles
are written very well, and are fairly technical.  Their address is:

		Computer Language
		2443 Fillmore Street, Suite 346
		San Francisco, CA 94115


Larry Cipriani		Nothing is worse than having
danews!lvc		an itch you can never scratch

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