Public domain C compiler

Jim Hutchison hutch at sdcsvax.UUCP
Tue May 13 03:52:26 AEST 1986

Does anyone know where I can get a reasonably bug free C compiler
or small-(read as subset)-C compiler?  It will end up in a commercial
product (icky I know), so some expense is justified.

Noble venture: I am trying to transform a fortran house into a C house!
I have a faction convinced that C is wonderful, now I need to port a
compiler to there proprietary system.  Probably on my own time, but to
be allowed to work in a more reasonable language than fortran is worth it.

If no public domain C compiler is available, could anyone point me at
public domain yacc's/lex's ???

/*	Jim Hutchison	UUCP:	{dcdwest,ucbvax}!sdcsvax!hutch
			ARPA:	Hutch at
		    [ Disclaimer eaten by a passing kiwi ]	 */

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