questions from using lint

Griff Smith ggs at ulysses.UUCP
Mon May 5 01:29:56 AEST 1986

> 	Most People			Your's Truly
> 	if (c) {			if (c)
> 		w = y;				w = x,
> 		y = z;				y = z;
> 	}				/* look ma, no brace */
> Sufficeth to say that I use a lot of commas in my code. Unfortunately,
> I cannot do this if either statement is a control struxure, *except* return.
> 	Most People			Your's Truly
> 	if (c) {			if (c)
> 		w = y;				return w = x,
> 		return;
> 	}				/* look ma, no brace */
> When I want to return a *real* value, I use `return(exp)' using *explicit*
> parens. I only do this in void funxions of course. I cannot see *any*
> implementation doing either of the following:
> 	1) barfing because I returned an *extra* value sometimes
> 	2) barfing because I added an extra argument
> Now you may claim that this is `bad programming practice', but I claim
> that it is just a convention, ...
> 	(Root Boy) Jim Cottrell		<rbj at cmr>

"Thank you, Mr Cottrell.  It is refreshing when job applicants are so candid
during an interview; we will notify you of our decision in a few weeks..."

Griff Smith	AT&T (Bell Laboratories), Murray Hill
Phone:		(201) 582-7736
Internet:	ggs at ulysses.uucp
UUCP:		ulysses!ggs  ( {allegra|ihnp4}!ulysses!ggs )

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