Throwing one away

emjej at uokvax.UUCP emjej at uokvax.UUCP
Thu May 29 00:18:00 AEST 1986

/* Written 9:40 pm May 15, 1986 by Dave-Platt%LADC at in net.lang.c */
I believe your "It has also been said..." can be attributed to Donald
Knuth;  if I remember correctly, his original wording was "Plan on
throwing one away, because you will anyhow."
/* End of text from net.lang.c */

Doubtless a flood of corrections will appear, was Fred Brooks, in
*The Mythical Man-Month*.  "Plan on throwing one away, because you will
anyhow.  The only question is whether you will deliver the throwaway to
your customers." is as near as I can reproduce it from memory.

					James Jones

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