Available No. of Registers

ram at nucsrl.UUCP ram at nucsrl.UUCP
Sat Jan 17 11:21:37 AEST 1987

   This is my first posting in this newsgroup. So hold your flames if this
is a dumb question.

   C allows "register ......" construct which instructs the compiler
to reserve a machine register to store that value.  Now my question is,
given a fixed number of registers, How many are effectively usable for
the register declaration.  I know this is machine dependent.  Could
somebody say how many register definitions I could use within a block
of code say for a VAX.  And please go on to mention the CPU/Machine that
allows the greatest number and smallest number of such declarations. 

   Is this number fixed or does it change as the program runs.

                                         Renu Raman
                                     Northwestern Comp. Sci. Lab

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