C Review

Larry Miller lmiller at venera.isi.edu
Tue Jan 20 03:21:59 AEST 1987

Alex Quilici and I have written a C book for John Wiley that came out last
year.  We had several very good (i.e., helpful) reviews from many different
people.  I can only conjecture that there are at least two explanations for
your reviewer's  mistaken notions about what C programmers do/need/want:

1)  He's written his own book and is trying to reduce the quality of yours.
2)  He's a nut case and should be ignored.

Assume, however, for the moment, that he's correct.  What can be done to
cover these important topics (ptrs to functions, comma operator, etc.), and
yet not have them seem overly fussy, pedantic?  That's what makes a good
book, and a good writer.

For some good examples, see Lawrence Miller and Alex Quilici, "Programming
in C," John Wiley, 1986!


(I'd like to wish you good luck, but not too much!!)

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