X3J11 response to comments (was: Block Closure)

Mark Purtill purtill at faline.bellcore.com
Sat Apr 30 12:52:01 AEST 1988

In article <> henry at utzoo.uucp (Henry Spencer) writes:
>> ... There were 36 formal comment letters registered via CBEMA...
>An interestingly small number, since it implies that a lot of the moaners
>and whiners didn't bother making their complaints official.  I suppose it
>is too optimistic to hope that they will henceforth keep quiet...

Perhaps they didn't care to pay $50 (or however much CBEMA was charging) 
for the latest standard, without which they cannot make a formal complaint
that has to be listened to (or at least so I read on the net).

Moral: if X3J11/ANSI wanted broad participation in drafting the standard,
they should have made the standard available in machine readable form, say
in this group.

^.-.^ Mark Purtill
((")) purtill at math.mit.edu

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