cpp compatiblity Unix/VMS

hjm hjm at cernvax.UUCP
Wed Aug 10 17:58:04 AEST 1988

#include foobar
#include <foobar.h>

are not the same if foobar is  a  logical  name!   Using  logical
names  allows  for greater flexibility in where include files are
kept (you may not want them kept with all the others because of a
name  conflict, or perhaps you just want to be tidy), whereas the
<foobar.h> form is an absolute address.

I have spent a lot  of  time  reorganising  disks  after  several
head-crashes  and  logical names were easy to change to different
locations, but changing  absolute  addresses  which  referred  to
files by disk and directory were *much* more troublesome.  If you
don't have the source for a program, then try to  find  out  what
files  it  accesses and where, and then change it without logical

I'm redirecting followups to comp.os.vms as this is a VMS  issue,
and not a lot to do with C (thank god!).

        Hubert Matthews

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