CommonLISP && SCHEME together??

Arun Welch welch at
Tue Aug 9 03:06:42 AEST 1988

>From: abh0 at bunny.UUCP (Andrew Hudson)
>Are there any LISP development environments with both SCHEME and
>CommonLISP together? Preferably SCHEME written in Lucid or Franz
>CommonLISP and callable from the same?

One of the user-contributed software packages in Xerox Lisp (nee Interlisp-D) 
is a Scheme interpreter.  So, John, just to add to the "Lisp with tailfins", 
we have Common Lisp, Interlisp, and Scheme all living together in the same
box.  Seems like an addition of a outhouse or two to the limo...:-)


Arun Welch
Lisp Systems Programmer, Lab for AI Research, Ohio State University
welch at

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