wide arguments and/or argument widening

Greg Lindahl gl8f at bessel.acc.Virginia.EDU
Mon Dec 5 09:59:20 AEST 1988

Why are arguments to C functions always widened to ints or doubles? This
makes sense when the argument is being widened to the buswidth (which
ints are supposed to be), but doubles are often larger than that. And
widening to ints can cause trouble when you're doing weird things such
as using 32 bit ints on a 68000 for compatibility reasons...

advance thanks,

-- greg

Greg Lindahl                                    internet:  gl8f at virginia.edu
University of Virginia Department of Astronomy    bitnet:  gl8f at virginia.bitnet
"When a 300' dish falls in the woods, and nobody hears, does it make a sound?"

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