Coding Standards (was Re: Indentation...)

Rob Bernardo rob at pbhyf.PacBell.COM
Wed Dec 14 00:18:01 AEST 1988

In article <2802 at hound.UUCP> rkl1 at hound.UUCP (K.LAUX) writes:
+	The point here is that Personal Preferences just don't count (you can
+always agree to disagree), and that following a Standards Document does count.
+Whenever 2 or more people are working on a project, Some Form of Standards
+should be adhered to.  This gets everyone 'talking' on the same level.  There
+just isn't time for someone to spend trying to adjust to multiple styles.

In my office, coding standards are to be adhered by regardless of the number
of the people *currently* working on the project, because it's highly likely
someone else will be working on the project at a later date, if even just
to provide bug fixes for it.
Rob Bernardo, Pacific Bell UNIX/C Reusable Code Library
Email:     ...![backbone]!pacbell!pbhyf!rob   OR  rob at pbhyf.PacBell.COM
Office:    (415) 823-2417  Room 4E750A, San Ramon Valley Administrative Center
Residence: (415) 827-4301  R Bar JB, Concord, California

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