dynamic loading

Dave Jones djones at megatest.UUCP
Thu Feb 18 12:02:34 AEST 1988

Lot's of people wanted the runtime loader I mentioned a while back.
My software manager has kindly said okay, post it.

If the moderator deems it worthy, you should find it soon in comp.sources.unix.

Okay, I did my part.  Now, how about one of you whizbang programmers out
there in net land making it into a regular loader, to replace ld?
I'll betcha you could make it run many times as fast, and then we can
add features until it is completely incomprehensible.

Doesn't that sound like fun?

		Dave Jones
		Megatest Corp.
		880 Fox Lane
		San Jose, CA.

		(408) 437-9700 Ext 3227
		UUCP: ucbvax!sun!megatest!djones
		ARPA: megatest!djones at riacs.ARPA

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