Oya Ekin kcfy at hp1.ccs.cornell.EDU
Mon Feb 15 14:22:56 AEST 1988


>       Hello world.  I first found that peculiar behaviour trying to
>  write a computer graphics program involving points, lines and polygons.  
>  Anyway, here it is:  
> int	(*lines)[2];
> main() {}
>is a dummy program that just defines this data structure.  What I actually
>want is a pointer to arrays of 2 ints.  I believe that int *lines[2] will
>do the reverse, ie. give me two pointers to int.
>Anyway, when I run it thru dbx on a SUN and ask 'whatis lines' I get this:
> int (*lines)[8196];
>As far as I know, this is a *BIG* mistake?  Or am I wrong?
     I do not quite understand how you are going to use a declaration like
the one you gave. BUT You are right ... I compiled this on Vax it
gives me    array[0..1] of (*lines) but I do not understand how you are
going to use this even if it is declared correctly as in VAX. 

MAYBE you need something like :

int *lines ; 

       lines = calloc(2*n,sizeof(int)) ; 

to create arrays of 2 ints refernced as
     for example for a point :
     line[n]  for x   and line[n+1] for y ; 

  Am I right    ?  OR do you need it for anything else ..

*  MALAGAS ......??

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