Power proposal for ANSI C -- we already have what we need

John Kessenich jk at hpfelg.HP.COM
Tue Feb 2 02:17:34 AEST 1988

    I have thought about using macros for squaring expressions, and problem
    is that they *do* require a temp.  This makes it impossible to do the

        #define SQR(exp) ????

        x = y + z * SQR(a+b);

    Either a temp must be available so one can write

        #define SQR(exp) (t=(exp), t*t)

    Or one must write

	#define SQR(x,exp) {int t; t=(exp); x = t*t;}

    which cannot be used in expressions.

    Conclusion? there is not a good substitute for a real power operator.
    (This does not mean there should be a power operator. :-)

John Kessenich

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