8char function names from hell

Frank crash Edwards crash at tsc3b21.UUCP
Wed Feb 10 00:13:53 AEST 1988

in article <380 at flatline.UUCP>, erict at flatline.UUCP (eric townsend) says:
> Just tried to compile some stuff I got from a friend.  Low and
> behold, the unix-pc C compiler doesn't go past 8 characters in
> either a function or a varible name!
>  [some deleted]
> Ranting over.. Seriously, though.. Is there any way to get around this?
> Any kludges, or preprocessors, or anything?

Yes.  There's a PD replacement for cpp that is *any* length on defines.  But
if the assembler/loader won't handle more than 8 characters, you're stuck
anyway (just like I am ;-).

The choices are to obtain cpp from an archive-site, or get shortc, which
just generates defines that will make the names unique within 'x' number
of characters (run-time option).

"Use the Source, Luke.  Feel it flow through your fingertips..."
Frank (crash) Edwards		...!codas!usfvax2!{pdn,jc3b21}!tsc3b21!crash
TSC in Palm Harbor, FL		Phone:  (813) 785-0583  (voice)
The Sweat Shop
|  These opinions are not those of my employer, his wife, either of their |
|  children, or their parakeet.  In fact, he probably doesn't even know   |
|  that I've said this!  And I prefer it that way!			  |

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