Global variables

Lee Carver lee at ssc-vax.UUCP
Thu Mar 10 03:04:50 AEST 1988

>From a prior posting:
> >NEVER, NEVER, NEVER assume the system is going to put something
> >there unless you explicitly request it.  It stops a lot of bugs dead
> >in their tracks.  You might get away with it if you don't, but how
> >will you be sure?

In article <17353 at>, atbowler at (Alan T. Bowler [SDG]) writes:
> Wheither or not the system actually initializes static data to zero
> is irrelevant.  Lee's rule is a good one to follow simply for the
> benefit of the human being has to read the code.   

I want to thank Mr. Bowler for the encouraging comments.  I took a lot of
stupid flak on this item ("nayh-nayh, you can't read the manual").
The point, as Mr. Bowler noticed, is not what is legal, but what is safe
and reliable.

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