Constant overflow

Kaufer - Lopez - Pratap steve at
Sun Mar 13 15:24:50 AEST 1988

Here is the output from the Saber-C programming environment:
(Running on SUN & VAX,  Ultrix/Unix):

                        Saber-C - Version 1.2c
        Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Saber Software, Inc.

Attaching: /lib/libc.a
1 -> load("foo.c");
Loading: foo.c
"foo.c", line 2: Integer too large (Warning #220)
    1: /* Sample overflow */
    2: long i = 9876543210L;
Integer constant (9876543210) exceeds maximum unsigned long (4294967295).
Options: continue/suppress/terse/quit/abort/edit/reload [c] ?

	Stephen Kaufer
	Saber Software, Inc.
	saber at
	30 JFK Street, Cambridge, MA.  02138
	(617) 876-7636

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