TC 2.0 EXE size

Charles R. Coday cc at
Tue Nov 22 01:03:29 AEST 1988

	I just received Turbo C 2.0 and when I compiled a program written
under Turbo C 1.5, I discovered an EXE size increase of approx 5k bytes.
Without reproducing the complete program, the general flow of the program
	#include <stdio.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <time.h>

	main() {

	x=rand();	/*rand stuff used to randomly select a file*/
	setvbuf(.....); /*so the fread is faster*/
	  scan the buffer of data for a code
	  loop on "putchar"ing a chunk of the data

I don't use printf or scanf.  The TC 1.5 version was approx 11.5k and the
TC 2.0 is approx 17K.  Both were compiled with the following options:
tiny model, optimize for size, and the rest were left at default except for
"debug" turned off in TC 2.0 .

Does anyone have an idea what causes this?  Can you tell me where/what I've
missed/screwed up?  If really necessary, I could post/mail the source.

BTW, the program is a "quote/fortune" thing I wrote.  I'm not a C expert, I
just like to fool around with it.


Chuck Coday		| All of these opinions are MINE and Raytheon
cc at rayssd.RAY.COM	| can't have any of them!
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