signed/unsigned char/short/int/long [was: #defines with parameters]

Guy Harris guy at auspex.UUCP
Tue Nov 29 03:31:59 AEST 1988

>What I really was unhappy with in dpANS (among many other things...) is
>that signed has been introduced as a new keyword, and I ought to have
>said unsigned/signed, not unsigned/int.

The reason why it was introduced has nothing to do with X3J11's opinion
on whether "int" and "unsigned int" are similar types or not.  It was
introduced solely to provide a way for a programmer to specify that a
"char"-sized variable is to be signed; presumably, it applies to
"short", "int", and "long" purely for orthogonality.

>I would not agree that char has never been a length specifier for int;

The only way you can validly disagree with that statement is if you can
produce a compiler wherein "char int" is a valid type specifier.  I have
yet to see any such compiler.

>In Johnson's compiler instead one can fully use char,short,long as type
>modifiers, and int and unsigned as based types,

Funny, the SunOS C compiler is based on Johnson's PCC, and when I try to

		char int x;

it complains about an "illegal type modification".  That compiler, at
least, sure doesn't let you use "char" as a type modifier....

>and I regard this (in my never humble opinion) as the most natural
>thing to do, and one that would not have required the introduction of

I don't regard it as the most natural thing to do.  I would have
preferred it had C made a distinction between:

	1) a type that was the unit of storage allocation;

	2) a type that was a "character", and that might require a
	   transfer function to convert between it and integral types
	   (big deal, the main loop of a character-string-to-decimal
	   routine might have included

		n = n*10 + (int(c) - int('0'));

	   instead of

		n = n*10 + (c - '0');

	   even if the language didn't specify an automatic
	   character-to-int conversion here, people could have lived
	   with it);

	3) a very small integral type.

For various reasons, including the crudely practical one of the behavior
of debuggers when confronted with "char", I tend to think of characters
and integral types as different sorts of beasts.

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