Array indexing vs. pointers...

Jim Walsh jimw at microsoft.UUCP
Wed Oct 12 12:40:31 AEST 1988

In article <171 at umigw.MIAMI.EDU> steve at (steve emmerson) writes:
>Nonsense.  Use instead:
>#define	EPUTS(msg)	(void)fputs(msg, stderr)
>    EPUTS("Usage:   sltread [options] input-drive-name\n");
>    EPUTS("Options: [-l] [-s] [-v] [-x] [-z] [-t tape-volume-number]\n");
>    EPUTS("         [-d dataset-name] [-n dataset-number]\n");
>    EPUTS("         [-i ignore-count] [-r record-count]\n");
>This has all the advantages -- and none of the disadvantages -- of the other.
>In ANSII-C you could even have the macro append the newline.

I believe that ANSI C allows (at least the implementation I'm using does
without flagging it in the manual as a deviation)

fputs("Usage:   sltread [options] input-drive-name\n"
      "Options: [-l] [-s] [-v] [-x] [-z] [-t tape-volume-number]\n"
      "         [-d dataset-name] [-n dataset-number]\n"
      "         [-i ignore-count] [-r record-count]\n", stderr);

Thus you truly get ALL the advantages - a single function call, and even a few
null bytes saved.
Jim Walsh                       jimw at microsof.beaver.cs.washington.EDU
Microsoft Corporation           jimw at microsof@uw-beaver.ARPA 
                                jimw at microsof.UUCP
The views expressed herein are not necessarily mine, let alone Microsoft's...

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