Production Code Problems with Turbo-C on 80386

Robert C. White rcw at qetzal.UUCP
Fri Oct 28 16:36:47 AEST 1988

I am trying to get a program to work on an 80386 machine 
compiled with TURBO-C 1.5.  It works fine on a regular
PC, it works fine on an AT, but it dies a horrible death
on 80386 class machines (Like PCs limited 386).

I'm open to any and all ideas.  We have set the code generation
options to 8088/8086, standard stack frame on.  

I'm open to any and all suggestions.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   stty olcuc; ln ls dir 
} Robert White            {   tell 'em it's DOS
} boulder!qetzal!rcw      { 
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Copyright (C) 1988, Mentor Software, Inc.

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