pre-defined publics in MSC 5.1

Tad Marko tad at killer.DALLAS.TX.US
Wed Sep 14 14:19:23 AEST 1988

I just got a copy of "The Waite Group's Microsoft C Bible" by Barkakati
(great book!), and have been going through it learning all kinds of 
things that I was too lazy to wring out of MS's manual.  On page 33 is
a list of pre-defined public variables.  Included on the list are _date_,
_time_, and _timestamp_.  These all allegedly contain information about
the compile time of the program.  Well, neato -- if I could get them to 
work.  All attempts I have made to access these have failed, with the
linker complaining that they are unresolved externals.  Can someone
show me an example that successfully uses these?

	Tad Marko at the UNIX Connection FREE BBS AT&T 3B2, Dallas, Texas
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