Explanation, please!

Hank Dietz hankd at pur-ee.UUCP
Tue Sep 6 02:57:18 AEST 1988

Relative to my article <9064 at pur-ee.UUCP> giving a struct-based hack for
doing block copy and to all followups thereof....


I hereby appologize for having ommitted a (:-) and hence having made it
sound like I didn't know why the VAX compiler didn't want to use a cast
pointer as the operand of ++.  I do know (and I knew even before a dozen of
you reminded me :-), I just think it should be allowed in such cases; i.e.,
be implementation dependent rather than illegal.  Anyway, the union-based fix
given by Jabir is certainly a good way to do it (once you fix his typedef to
make t512 and t256 pointers to structs, rather than structs).


As I noted in the original posting, the use of a structure-hack block copy is
subject to alignment problems -- if the target machine has alignment
constraints.  There are three additional notes on this:

1.	Both the source AND destination pointers may need to be aligned,
	which implies that the difference between the pointers MUST BE A
	MULTIPLE OF THE ALIGNMENT FACTOR.  Arbitrary copies will not have
	this property, hence, on such machines one must always have a
	byte-oriented copy routine to fall back on.

	For a 4-byte alignment machine, the test is something like:

	if ((p - q) & 3) *byte copy* else *struct copy*

2.	If the difference between the pointers is a multiple of the machine
	alignment factor, then copying up until one is aligned will insure
	alignment of both.  Hence, we simply need to insert a few moves to
	achieve alignment BEFORE the struct copy code I gave earlier.

	For a 4-byte alignment machine, the additional code is:

	if ((n >= 1) && (p & 1)) {
		*q = *p; ++q; ++p; --n;
	if ((n >= 2) && (p & 2)) {
		*((struct t2 *) q) = *((struct t2 *) p); q+=2; p+=2; n-=2;

	Notice that, with the above code as a prefix, trailing alignment is
	also satisfied (proof left as an exercise to the reader).

3.	Although I know of no such C compiler, it is legal for a C compiler
	to make the size of a struct anything big enough to hold the things
	inside it.  Hence, for example, a struct containing an array of 4
	things might be the size of 5 things....  If this were done, the
	struct copy would nearly work; the only problem is that it could
	overshoot the end of the block.  There is no general fix for this.

						hankd at ee.ecn.purdue.edu

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