ANSI Validation

newbie at inmet newbie at inmet
Mon Aug 21 07:47:00 AEST 1989

We have been working with both an in-house compiler crunch suite, as well      
as the comercial Plum-Hall ANSI validation suite.  The Plum-Hall tests are     
*VERY* complete.  They test things so arcane and remote that when your done,   
if you can get your compiler to pass all of the tests successfully, you can    
be assured that it works as perfectly as possible.  The tests are self-checking
so all you have to do is check the output from the programs to see if anything 
went wrong.  Error messages contain file and line-number references so locating
problems is a snap, even if fixing them isn't.  Two include files can be       
customized for both your compiler and host-system.  I don't have an address
for the company handy, but if your interested, mail me and I'll see if I can
find it.

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