Help w/2 things ...

CCEL ccel at community-chest.uucp
Thu Aug 10 05:17:42 AEST 1989

I have two things that I need a little help on ...

The first is a certain algorithm that i'm looking for, it's called
fuzzy string-matching.  Apparently you give it two strings and a
percentage, and through various and sundry means it determines if
the two strings are that percentage alike.

A guy named Glenn Snow told me on CompuServe that the source was
available in 8086 Assembly on a BBS local to me, but I only got
through to it once in the past few weeks and didn't see the code
on there.

Does anyone know what i'm talking about, and does anyone have any
code like this?

The second is something that came up in a programming contest a while
back.  Write a program that will display an exact copy of its own 
source code.  I'm not too sure but I think it had to be written in
C or Pascal.  Anyone?


Randy Tidd                   MITRE-McLean CCEL Lab
rtidd at             ccel%community-chest at

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