Right-to-left (was: Re: entry at other than main)

Norman Diamond diamond at csl.sony.co.jp
Wed Aug 30 12:49:54 AEST 1989

In article <818 at skye.ed.ac.uk> richard at aiai.UUCP (Richard Tobin) writes:

>>.... there are lisp systems without an interpreter at all -
>>when you type in an expression, they compile it and execute the code

In article <673 at philmtl.philips.ca> ray at philmtl.philips.ca (Raymond Dunn) writes:

>This just shows that a very hazy line separates "compilers" and "interpreters".
>There are many of us who would still call such an incremental compiler an

There is a difference.  The compiled code can be executed again without
requiring compilation again.

1000000 * (execution time) + 1 * (compilation time) usually <
1000000 * (interpretation time).

Norman Diamond, Sony Corporation (diamond at ws.sony.junet)
  The above opinions are inherited by your machine's init process (pid 1),
  after being disowned and orphaned.  However, if you see this at Waterloo or
  Anterior, then their administrators must have approved of these opinions.

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