SMITHJ at ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu SMITHJ at ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu
Fri Aug 4 07:25:38 AEST 1989

This may have been discussed here millions of times before, but here it goes.

What are the reasons for using FORTRAN over C?

I have heard claims that the code is easier to optimize and that current
benchmarks show that this is the case on all mainframes.  My experience is
that this is pure bu****it.  Have done my own testing, I find that C runs
faster on PC's.

Is it likely that C runs slower--on say the VAX--because it is only in
version 2.4 whereas the FORTRAN compiler is at version 90+ (i.e. fewer
man hours have been put into developing mainframe C compilers)?

No remarks about the ease of use of complex numbers in FORTRAN are acceptable.
/* Jeffery G. Smith, BS-RHIT (AKA Doc. Insomnia, WMHD-FM)       *
 *    The Ohio State University, Graduate Physics Program       *
 *        3193 Smith Lab, Columbus, OH 43210  (614) 292-5321    *
 *    smithj at ohstpy.mps.ohio-state.edu                          */

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