comma operator

Blair P. Houghton bph at buengc.BU.EDU
Sat Aug 5 03:34:14 AEST 1989

In article <2135 at> skilbane at writes:
>From article <2963 at>, by roemer at (Roemer Lievaart):
>> tada at (Michael Zehr) writes:
>Personally, I think it is worse that {;}. If you have something of the form
>	x = Expr1 , Expr2;
>then Expr2 will be assigned to x, rather than Expr1. If you rewrite them as

No.  For precedence, the comma operator is the lowest of the low.

Checking the table on p. 18 of Andrew Koenig's _C_Traps_and_Pitfalls_
(I'd have looked in K&RI, but Andy's book was closer).

One sees that the bottom three, in decreasing order, are


so in the example above, x would be assigned Expr1, and the statement
would "return" the value of Expr2, esentially returning it nowhere,
the implications of which are moot, and were discussed here sometime
around January.  E.g.,

	x = a ? b : c , a ? c : b ;

As far as x is concerned, this reads as

	if ( a != 0 )
	    x = b;
	    x = c;

				  " what ? me : worry ; "  

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