**SURVEY**CLIP/D=C LInes/Per Day

clifford cliff heyer cliffhanger at cup.portal.com
Sat Aug 12 05:26:10 AEST 1989

Hi Folks,
Welcome to the first annual CLIPs survey!

I sometimes wonder how I "measure up", and
I'm figuring some of you on USENET may have
wondered the same thing. SO I came up with the 
idea of this survey! 
The survey question is:

How many lines/day of C code do you write under 
best and worst conditions?

I know, I know, I know
Such estimates are bound to be inaccurate for
varied situations. (like MIPS) But sometimes
you just gotta say WHAT THE HECK and go
for it.

Take any & all C projects you've WRITTEN, 
DEBUGGED AND TESTED thoroughly (preferably 
greater than 2000 lines) and divide it by the 
estimated number of working days. Mail me your 
stats and I'll post the first USENET CLIP summary 
(C LInes Per day). Hopefully this will be even MORE 
exciting than DATAMATION's yearly salary survey!. 
(was this tongue-in-cheek? YOU be the judge!)

1) Your best and worse CLIP'D examples,
2)What percentage of your code is comments
   (OR if you want to get real fancy, count only the code.)
3) Your processor make, model, OS, microprocessor & MHz,
4) Whether or not you have a  MOUSE environment (GUI) OR 
    your BAUD rate.
These will statistically correlated with the CLIP ratings. 

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