What I'd really like to see in an if-statement...

Chris Calabrese[mav] cjc at ulysses.homer.nj.att.com
Wed Aug 9 01:01:52 AEST 1989

In article <5040 at alvin.mcnc.org>, spl at mcnc.org (Steve Lamont) writes:
> Perhaps in ANSI C II (K&R Strike Back?? :-) ) we could add operators .<., .>.,
> .<=., and .>=. (big :-) here ).  Wouldn't you just love to code
> 		( a .<. b .<. c ) ?????

Why do this when we can take advantage of another language which is
an international standard and use the following:
	( a .LE. b .LE. c ) ???

Insert biggest smiley you ever saw here...
Name:			Christopher J. Calabrese
Brain loaned to:	AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ
att!ulysses!cjc		cjc at ulysses.att.com
Obligatory Quote:	``Anyone who would tell you that would also try and sell you the Brooklyn Bridge.''

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