A Question..

m_belanger at mosaic.dec.com m_belanger at mosaic.dec.com
Thu Aug 17 04:08:23 AEST 1989

In message # <1586 at sunset.MATH.UCLA.EDU> Tony writes:

>I seemed to have run into a strange problem in C that I can't quite 
>figure out.

>I'm just trying to convert a time value stored in a long integer 
>in the form 111753 into a more presentable format 11:17:53.

> ... (removed)

>In other words strcpy seems to be working fine but strncpy is doing 
>something bizzare, or is it the way I'm strncpy'ing? 

STRNCPY( d, s, n ) copies EXACTLY n bytes from s to d which doesn't place a
NULL character after the nth byte.  When the STRNCAT routineis called it
appends the concatenated string at the end of the initial line.

Try clearing the string using a MEMSET before creating the next string.

Moe Belanger

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