
George Armhold armhold at
Sun Aug 27 12:24:25 AEST 1989

I'm working on a "mv" program.  I'd like it to be smart enough to
simply rename files/directories if they are on the same volume, rather
than copying them.  The rename function provided by Lattice (which is
supposed to be ANSI) will not allow me to specify a path name in the
new file. The manual states:  "The old name can include a path, but
the new name should not."  This seems likes a rather odd restriction.
Are file systems (especially AmigaDOS) built in such a way that
renaming a file to a new directory presents a problem?  The function
also seems to fail when I try to rename a directory.  Am I missing
something?  Is there a better way to do this?


armhold at

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