entry at other than main (was want to know)

Peter da Silva peter at ficc.uu.net
Mon Aug 21 01:05:17 AEST 1989

The only time I ever wanted to give a program multiple entry points it was
called a "shared library". Writing a shared library even if it's not going to
be reentrant is fairly complex, at least compared to writing a program with
a unique entry point. Anyone who wants to go through all this for the sake
of some syntactic nicety needs to have their head examined.
Peter da Silva, *NIX support guy @ Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
Biz: peter at ficc.uu.net, +1 713 274 5180. Fun: peter at sugar.hackercorp.com. `-_-'
"Optimization is not some mystical state of grace, it is an intricate act   U
   of human labor which carries real costs and real risks." -- Tom Neff

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