Trigraphs (was Re: Uninitialized externals and statics)

Floyd McWilliams acu at
Wed Aug 30 00:30:04 AEST 1989

In article <10859 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>In article <1392 at> John Hascall writes:

	(Discussion on EBCDIC deleted.)

>>(pps. I think trigraphs were a misguided effort as well)

>I think that most of X3J11 might even privately agree with that
>assessment.  However, they serve a possibly useful function with
>very little adverse impact (mainly on idiots who use "??!").

	Not to be a pain, but why did X3J11 use ??! for a trigraph?
They only needed 8 or 9 distinct trigraphs, and "!" is one of the
two characters I can think of that have any meaning after "??". 
	I realize that over-emphasizing with ??! is bad style, but
that's not scope of X3J11... :-)

"Life's for my own, to live my own way."
Floyd McWilliams!acu

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