pointers to functions?

Charles L Savage savage at boulder.Colorado.EDU
Thu Feb 23 20:08:02 AEST 1989

   I am having major problems getting a pointer to a fuction to execute.  Somehow the calling fuction, when is should call the passed function it is just dropping out of its own function as if it had executed a return statement, instead of the fuction call.  Can somebody point me in the right direction?  Here is the code as close and as short as I could make it:

   void copy_func();  /* data dependant copy function */

     (void) g(copy_func);

   char * g(cpy_ptr)
   void (*cpy_ptr)();
     (void)printf("before call\n");
     (*cpy_ptr)(data1, data2);   /* data1 and data2 are pointers to structures of type DATUM */

   void cpy_func(t,f)
   DATUM *t, *f;   /* copy (struct)DATUM 'f' to (struct)DATUM 't' */
     (void)printf("Here I am in cpy_func\n");
     *t = *f;

   The program executes g() through "before call", then drops out just after printing "before call" just as if it had hit a return statement.

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