How do I get random #s?

Mark H. Colburn mark at jhereg.Jhereg.MN.ORG
Fri Feb 3 10:41:10 AEST 1989

In article <19415 at> tsource at (Aryeh Friedman) writes:
>	I am new to C and I want to know how to get random numbers returned.

There are several different variations on how to get random numbers in C.

On most System V based systems and when using ANSI C you would use the 
function srand() to provide a random number seed (if you want one) and 
the rand() function to get a randon number back.

	unsigned int	seed;
	int		num;

	seed = ???;
	num = rand();

On most BSD derived systems you would use srandom() to provide the seen and 
the random() function to get the random number back.

	int		seed;
	long		num;

	seed = ???;
	num  = random();

Mark H. Colburn                  "Look into a child's eye;
Minnetech Consulting, Inc.        there's no hate and there's no lie;
mark at                there's no black and there's no white."

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