C Programming Estimates/Standards

Larry Podmolik larry at zeek.UUCP
Thu Feb 16 04:59:00 AEST 1989

I'm looking for information on the following 2 subjects:

1. C programming estimates for programmers of various levels  working  on
   programs of varying complexity.   I think this is probably harder than
   for, say,  COBOL because knowledge of  UNIX libraries,  etc.  can make
   such  a big difference (both in coding speed and in lines of code that
   need to be written).  Also, debugging time can vary so widely - sloppy
   C programs can be IMPOSSIBLE!

   Also, how long do  you think people need to be trained before they are
   productive? If anyone has experience in this area that they would like
   to relate,  (preferably something  like lines  of code/day or  time to
   complete an (easy, medium, hard) module of  x length, please e-mail me
   and I'll summarize.

2. C programming guidelines/standards.  I know Plum publishes a  book  on
   this, but does anybody else have any words of wisdom? I'd like to skip
   formatting issues  COMPLETELY (braces,  indentation, etc) and focus on
   organization,  modularity,   portability,  questionable  practices  to
   avoid, etc.  (No, I don't expect a  "cookbook" to turn bad programmers
   into good ones!)  Again, please respond via e-mail if possible.
Thanks in advance for any help,

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