true and false in C (was Fun C typos (was *p++ = *q++))

Ed Prochak ejp at faron.icd.abnet.COM
Tue Feb 21 03:11:41 AEST 1989

	Let me publicly admit that I was wrong. Comparison operators
	are required to generate TRUE = 1 in C. The fact that logical
	operators such as ! (not) accept nonzero values as TRUE was
	irrelevant. (The freedom to use TRUE = nonzero is a nice feature,
	but is not allowed for the comparison operators. so compiler
	writers should be aware of this.)

Edward J. Prochak        (216)646-4663       I think. 
{cwjcc,pyramid,decvax,uunet}!abvax!ejp       I think I am.
Allen-Bradley Industrial Computer Div.       Therefore, I AM!
Highland Heights,OH 44143                    I think?  --- Moody Blues

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