Mac LightSpeed C question (elementary)

Robert Wier rrw at naucse.UUCP
Sat Feb 11 05:43:51 AEST 1989

 I have been asked to pursue this question by a number of people
 learning to use (specifically) Mac LightSpeed C:

 There appears to be a 32k limit on data structures.  Not too suprising
 considering the limits of the 68k index register structure.  I have
 gotten around this problem in Pascal programs by doing allocate and
 dispose operations.  Is there something equivalent in C?  Or is there
 a more elegant technique (for example, on researcher here would like
 to have a 512 * 512 array).  

 Not being a C programmer, I would appreciate an answer in words of
 one syallable :-).  

 -Bob Wier at Flagstaff, Arizona         Northern Arizona University
  ...arizona!naucse!rrw |  BITNET: WIER at NAUVAX | *usual disclaimers*

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