C optimizer

Earle R. Horton earleh at eleazar.dartmouth.edu
Tue Feb 14 04:06:07 AEST 1989

In article <515 at larry.UUCP> jwp at larry.UUCP (Jeffrey W Percival) writes:
>I have a question about how much optimizing I should worry about when
>writing programs in C.  Suppose I have this code fragment:
>	x = (1 + cos(r)) / (cos(r) * sin(r));
>	y = (cos(r) - sin(r)) / (1 + sin(r));
>I made this up, but the point is the re-use of the sin() and cos()
>calls.  Now, can I expect the compiler to form only one call to sin and

     No.  The compiler has no way of knowing what sin() and cos() do,
besides obviously returning a result.  Either or both might have side
effects, and optimizing out any of the calls prevents the side effects
from happening.

Earle R. Horton. 23 Fletcher Circle, Hanover, NH 03755--Graduate student.
He who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is not fit for the kingdom
of winners.  In any case, 'BACK' doesn't work.

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