use of if (!cptr) and if (cptr), where cptr is a *

Larry Campbell campbell at
Wed Jul 19 09:42:35 AEST 1989

We use macros called NIL and NEW:

    #define NIL(type) ((type) 0)
    #define NEW(type) ((type *) malloc(sizeof(type)))

We also use typedefs to save typing and centralize type information,
so the malloc example looks like this:

    typedef struct foo FOO;

    FOO *p;

    p = NEW(FOO);
    if (p == NIL(FOO *))

I think this makes it pleasingly clear that you're testing for an invalid
pointer, rather than the quantity zero.
Larry Campbell                          The Boston Software Works, Inc.
campbell at                        120 Fulton Street
wjh12!redsox!campbell                   Boston, MA 02146

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