Want a way to strip comments from a

Michael Condict mnc at m10ux.UUCP
Fri Mar 24 15:17:17 AEST 1989

Oops, the previous lex script I posted for deleting comments from
C source code is incorrect -- it doesn't recognize:  /***...**/
Here is a better one (simpler, too):

	\"([^\\"]*\\(.|\n))*[^\\"]*\"	ECHO;
	"/*"([^*]|"*"+[^/*])*"*"*"*/"	;
	.				ECHO;

Okay, I promise to stop now.  (Unless there is a bug in this one.)
Michael Condict		{att|allegra}!m10ux!mnc
AT&T Bell Labs		(201)582-5911    MH 3B-416
Murray Hill, NJ

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