Where oh where is my directory

Juergen Wagner gandalf at csli.STANFORD.EDU
Sat Mar 25 14:00:30 AEST 1989

In article <7712 at pyr.gatech.EDU> perrone at loligo.UUCP (Perrone Ford) writes:
>What I am trying to accompish is to read the directory 
>entries into a buffer and then print the buffer out in the
>middle of a graphics routine

Basically, there are two ways: call a program like "ls" (UNIX), or do it
yourself. I reckon your problem is not an ANSI/non-ANSI problem, it's more
an operating system problem.

>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <grphics.h>  /*  Maybe curses  */
>main () 
>char *listing;
>listing = system("dir");
>initgraph = DETECT;
>initgraph(&graphdriver, &graphmode);

Sure your screen gets trashed. The problem is that your call to "dir" doesn't
return a list of file names neatly packed into a string, it returns an
integer (probably :-). I have no idea what exactly is possible on your system
but try to look for one of the following:

	(a) Something like opendir(), readdir(), closedir() to
	    access directory entries, and collect them into a
	    string. Even better, print them as you read them.

	(b) Something forking a subprocess which allows you to
	    collect the output of the subprocess in some way
	    (popen would be nice).

	(c) In the worst case, call a program doing what you want,
	    have the program write its output to a file, and read
	    that file. I can promise you that it'll be sloooow but
	    it will work.

Good luck,
Juergen Wagner		   			gandalf at csli.stanford.edu
						 wagner at arisia.xerox.com

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