turbo C memory question

Loyde W Hales lwh at harpsichord.cis.ohio-state.edu
Fri Oct 27 02:01:13 AEST 1989

In article <20401 at mimsy.umd.edu> chris at mimsy.umd.edu (Chris Torek) writes:
>In many articles many people ask about Turbo C, Microsoft C, and other
>IBM PC / MS-DOS compilers.  Unfortunately, they all ask on comp.lang.c
>(or whatever its name might be on the remote side of various gateways)
>instead of in a newsgroup about IBM PCs.
>Can we keep questions about specific implementations in implementation
>specific newsgroups, please?  (Obviously the answer is `no' :-) )  For
>instance, no one should be asking about the openlog() routine on
>comp.lang.c, because that is a 4.[23]BSD C library routine.  The
>important part is `4BSD', not `C library'.  The same goes for `IBM PC C
>compiler': the important part is first `IBM PC', and only *then* `C

I completely DISagree with you, Chris.  C-related questions under certain
implementations are C questions.  I admit that the newsgroup has seen several
of these for implementations ranging from Sun workstations to ATARI STs, but
I feel this is in course with the newsgroup.  From your perspective, posting
to comp.atari, for example, can promote the argument ``why are you cluttering
our newsgroup with C-specific questions?''

I really don't mean to insult, this is just another opinion.  I find the
system-related questions, no matter how system-dependent, to be enlightening.
I also find I can usually predict the answer from a general background in C.

                                Department of Computer and Information Science
Loyde W. Hales, II                      The Ohio State University
lwh at cis.ohio-state.edu          2036 Neil Avenue Mall, Columbus, Ohio  43201

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