The final word on GOTO (Don't I wis

Peter da Silva peter at
Fri Oct 6 02:58:02 AEST 1989

Code deleted, see parent article.

In article <725 at thor.wright.EDU>, bkottman at (Brett Kottmann) writes:
> 	This must be really old code since in C, execution falls through
> to the next case anywasy; in every case without the goto, it would hit
> donum: anyways...(albiet after trying the rest of the case statements)

Yes, but if you looked at what the code *does*, you would see that you
don't want to execute those statements.

> 	A break usually replaces the goto in that type of code.

In this case it wouldn't. Here's a goto-less version of the multiple
lead-in case that should have you all puking:

	switch(format_char) {
		case 'd': the stuff I put under d; if(0) {
		case 'o': the stuff I put under o; if(0) {
		case 'x': the stuff I put under x; if(0) {
		case 'u': the stuff I put under u; }}}
			the stuff I put under donum;

I know it's not the best way to remove the gotos, but it's legal C
without a single "unstructured" element.

It's always possible to "remove" the gotos. It's not always worth it.
Structured programming is a discipline, not a game.
Peter da Silva, *NIX support guy @ Ferranti International Controls Corporation.
Biz: peter at, +1 713 274 5180. Fun: peter at `-_-'
``I feel that any [environment] with users in it is "adverse".''           'U`
	-- Eric Peterson <lcc.eric at>

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