Integral C

Keith Duddy dud at batserver.cs.uq.oz
Tue Oct 3 15:52:46 AEST 1989

I have just read a research paper into a (then) Textronix CASE division
product called Integral C. It appears to be just the type of environment
that I'd like to program C in. Lazy translation, incremental compiling, and
dynamic linking, generic browsing of data structures, `smart poinnter' and
the list goes on.

The author was Graham Ross, and it appears that the developers were Mayer
Schwartz, and Norm DeLisle. Tektronix Austalia tells me that they sold
their CASE division to Mentor Graphics, USA. Can anyone tell me if the
product saw light of day. If so who sells it, what environments is
available for and how much?

could you mail me (and post if you think its of interest to others).

 /_/  __  o _/ /_      /  )     __/ __/          dud at batserver.cs.uq.oz
/ \  (-' (  ( / /  o  /_ ' (_( (_/ (_/ (__/ o        Computer Science 
    :my hovercraft is full of eels:      /       University of Queensland
				      (_/		Australia

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