Structuring this newsgroup

Tom Neff tneff at bfmny0.UU.NET
Tue Sep 12 03:34:51 AEST 1989

Splitting the newsgroup won't help.  I am addressing the issue of why
expert contributors to this and other newsgroups tend to say "RTFM"
rather than repetitively and kindly re-explaining everything every time
a newbie [not a pejorative] asks a novice or inappropriate question.
It's not cost efficient to pretend this is CIS/BPROGA.

Newsreader education lags; things fall apart, the [computing?] center
cannot hold; there is no perfect solution; but no opportunity to remind
folks of new.announce.newusers should go amiss.

Enough trivia, back to C.
Annex Canada now!  We need the room,	\)	Tom Neff
    and who's going to stop us.		(\	tneff at bfmny0.UU.NET

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