C Style help requested

David Gentzel dg3s+ at andrew.cmu.edu
Thu Sep 28 12:54:56 AEST 1989

A friend of mine has been put in charge of coming up with a C (and C++) style
guide for his company.  The goals are

    1) Name and comment conventions to enhance comprehension and
	maintainability on projects with large numbers of programmers.
    2) Guidelines for writing portable code.
    3) Common coding mistakes to avoid (and the usual symptoms if they
	are not avoided).
    4) Miscellaneous (debugging tips, macro guidelines, typedef's, etc.).

What I would like to ask from the net readers are

    1) Pointers to publications which address these issues (books, periodicals,
	ftp'able guides).
    2) Pointers to (or collections of) some of the "classic" comp.lang.c
	articles on common misunderstandings (such as Chris Torek's highly
	valuable periodic posts on proper definition of NULL and differences
	between pointers and arrays).

Thanks for any help you can give me (and him)!

					Dave Gentzel
					Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
					gentzel at godot.psc.edu
					or gentzel at a.psc.edu

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